Welcome to Aircraft Trajectory Prediction’s documentation!


This is the project documentation for the Aircraft Trajectory Prediction final year software engineering and computer science project, undertaken by 4 students from Swinburne University.

Name Email Github Website
Luke Frisken l.frisken@gmail.com kellpossible http://lukefrisken.com
Uros Vukanovic 7671725@student.swin.edu.au    
Adam Miritis amiritis@swin.edu.au Foxh0und  
Chris Coleman 7191375@student.swin.edu.au    

The purpose of the project is to explore the possibility of using downlinked ADSB flight data to predict and display the curved trajectory of an aircraft in the context of air traffic control.

The primary subproject was the Libgdx ATC Simulator, containing all the simulation code, display code and the algorithm.

All other projects were created to assist with specific tasks such as scraping ADSB data from the internet, or project management.


Some of this project being used are available on YouTube.

Testing using Libgdx ATC Simulator and X-Plane ADSB Output Plugin with an f-22 fighter jet

Testing using Libgdx ATC Simulator and X-Plane ADSB Output Plugin with a Boeing 747

Indices and tables