Compare Results Script¶
Section author: Luke Frisken <>
The script located in the libgdx-atc-sim/Results/Accuracy directory can be used for comparing outputs of the Libgdx_ATC_Simulator’s integration testing. See Integration Testing for more info on how to generate test json files as output from running the simulator.
Python 3 is a prerequisite. You also need to install the required files listed in the requirements.txt document. This can be done with the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
On windows a better option may be to manually download and install the required packages from here.
The –help flag documents the basic usage of this command line script.
usage: [-h] [-a [ID]] [-u [value]] [-e [Method]]
File [File ...]
Compare integration test results.
positional arguments:
File Files for analysis/comparison
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a [ID], --aircraft-id [ID]
id of aircraft you want to select for analysis
(default: None)
-u [value], --upper-error-bound [value]
The upper error bound (for display) (default: 40000)
-e [Method], --error-calc [Method]
Method for error calculation. Allowed values:
Weighted, Average, Total (default: Total)
Notes: Default aircraft for analysis is the first that appears.
As explained in the help, the script defaults to comparing on the first aircraft that appears, but you can manually select an aircraft to use for comparison using the -a command line argument.
An example using the script on two json files which were produced after successive executions of the Libgdx ATC Simulator using different algorithms:
python -u 200000 QFA696_LMLEASTSQUARESV3.json QFA696LINEAR2d.json
User Interface Controls¶
The user interface includes a time slider which you can click and drag to view the output of the predictions at any given point in time. The map, and error graph can be panned and zoomed using the provided matplotlib controls.