Meeting Minutes

Section author: Luke Frisken <>

The minutes for all project meetings are stored in the meeting_minutes folder as markdown files.

New Minutes Script

Minutes and Agenda files can be generated using the New Minutes Script for your coding convenience.

File Naming Convention

The file naming convention is as follows


  • ID is the id for the meeting, this is in order of date of meeting. It should match up to the Meeting Agendas for that meeting if there is one.
  • TIME is the time of the meeting in hhmm format (e.g. 1200 is 12pm)
  • DAY is the day of the meeting
  • MONTH is the month of the meeting
  • YEAR is the year of the meeting


The markdown files for the meeting minutes need to follow this template so that they can be converted into pdf files successfully using with the script which uses pandoc


# Meeting Agenda - Aircraft Direction Prediction
| *Date:*           | DAY/MONTH/YEAR |
| ----------------- | -------------- |
| *Time:*           | TIME           |
| *Location:*       | LOCATION       |

## Agenda Items

## Notes

## Action Items

where: + AUTHOR_FULL_NAME is the full name of the author of this agenda + AUTHOR_STUDENT_NUMBER is the student number of the author + TIME is the time of the meeting in hh:mm format (e.g. 12:00 is 12pm) + DAY is the day of the meeting + MONTH is the month of the meeting + YEAR is the year of the meeting + AGENDA_ITEMS are the agenda items to be covered for the meeting + NOTES are notes taken during the meeting + ACTION_ITEMS are items which need to be acted upon after the meeting and who is responsible for each of those items