Section author: Luke Frisken <>
Configuration for the Libgdx ATC Simulator project is handled in the ApplicationConfig
This class makes use of the typesafe/config library from github. We are storing the default configuration in default_settings.json. These values can be overridden using the settings.json file.
A breakdown of the settings.json file can be found below with descriptions of options, along with default options.
Section author: Uros
- Projection-reference”: [0.0, -37.668905,144.8307145], Selects the geographical co-ordinate for the projection reference point.
Section author: Uros
- Algorithm-type: “LMLEASTSQUARESV3” Selects the type of algorithm to use in the prediction engine.
- Interpolation-transition-time: 180.0
- Java-worker-threads: 4Selects the number of java worker threads that will run concurrently.
- Port-number: 6989 (Acceptible Port Range). Selects the port number that Debug Data Feed Client connects on. This is set arbitarily to 6989 for testing purposes. This will connect to the Debug Data Feed Server.
- Server-ip: “localhost”Selects the Server’s IP address, in this case Local host. This is the Debug Data Feed Server by default.
- Port-number: 6789 (Acceptible Port Range). Selects the port number that Prediction Feed Server runs on.
- Enabled: true (True/False). Can be set to True or False, This will enable or disable the Debug Data Feed, This can be disabled when running a direct feed from other sources.
- Port-number”: 6989 (Acceptible Port Range). Selects the Port Number the Debug-Data Feed Server runs on
- “file”: “assets/flight_data/YMML_26_05_2016/database.json” Selects ADSB scenario that gets pushed through prediction service.
- “filter-for-planeID”:[] This will filter for plane ID’s and only show the planes filtered.
- “heading-velocity”: false (True/False).
- speed”: 10 Sets the speed that the program runs at.
- use-msaa”: true (True/False). Enables Multisample anti-aliasing.
- msaa-samples”: 8 (Integer Value). Selects number of Multisample anti-aliasing samples.
- prediction-display-method”: “GRADIENT”
- show-tracks-default”: true (True/False). This will either show or hide Aircraft Tracks. When disabled the tracks will dissapear.
- Prediction-feed-client port-number”: 6789 (Acceptible Port Range). Selects the port number the prediction feed client connects on.
- Prediction-feed-client server-ip”: “localhost” Sets the Server IP the prediction feed client connects to.
- stippled-predictions”: false (True/False). This will show stippled vector lines on the visualization display if enabled.
- bonus-feature”: false (True/False). Enables a bonus feature that was discovered accidentally by Luke. This will show some flashy graphics, NOTE: Could be dangerous to ATC controller.
- “run-accuracy-test”: false (True/False). Will run the accuracy tests if selected true.
- “save-csv”: false (True/False). Will save a CSV file of accuracy tests.
- “save-json”: true (True/False). Saves a JSON file for accuracy tests.